Monthly Archives: May 2022

 Hello my name is Lyla. I will be writing about stuff. I am at school right now. I am learning English! My friends are Eloise Emma, Maia Nitsan and Jack. I like playing with them at Recess. We go to the Playground. I also like Gym because we get to move around and play fun games! My lucky number is 8 right now. This is why: Each year I grow a year older. I am 8 right but when I turn 9, my lucky number will be 9. I like writing because on the Ipads the noise of the typing sounds cool. My favourite holidays are the ones where we do not have any school. I like school but sometimes I just want to sit around at my house doing nothing. I like my house because it is so quiet and I can do anything I want. My hobbies are writing and dancing. I think both of them are really fun. My sister is one and a half.  My favourite Movie is Descendants 3. My favourite character is Mal. She is the daughter of Maleficent.

  • That was my blog post. 
  • Hope you liked it!
  • By Lyla.


Ice Cream

Ice cream is yummy in different ways. The first way is that there are so many flavors! The second way is that we can make cake and milkshakes out of ice cream. If we could, we would get ice cream every part of the day { breakfast, lunch, dinner!} Ice cream is the yummiest food in the universe. I wish everything we could eat was ice cream. Ice cream is the best!!!!! You never need to eat anything else but ice cream. { well maybe a veggie once or twice} That’s it posted by Lyla 


Hello today I will be writing about Bunnies. Here are some facts about Bunnies:

1. Bunnies can live 75 and over.

2. Rabbits can understand words (P.S they can only understand words like ” Food or ”Play)

3. Rabbits can have many different moods they can be annoyed with you if you say a word that it does not understand.

4. Rabbits LOVE to be in charge.

5.  There are 180+ Rabbit breeds in the world.

6.  A female Rabbit is called a doe. A male Rabbit is called a buck and a baby Rabbit is called a kit.

That is it. Hoped you like it. This is the link that I got some of the facts from:




What I like to eat.

Hi my name is Lyla. This is what I like to eat. I really like treats mostly like, cake,  ice cream, and other treats.

The first food I like is Sushi, Sushi is Seaweed with rice in the middle and you can put mushrooms, salmon, avocado, and cucumbers in too.



What I like to do

Hello I’m here to write my 2nd blog post. It is about what I like. I really like school. This is why I like school. All of my friends are in my class. Also my teachers are really nice and I learn a lot. This is my favourite thing to learn in school: I like English because I get to write and I REALLY like writing.

I also really like dancing and singing. I started dance camp when I was 2 years old. I was doing ballet and tap dancing. For singing I do not really like singing in front of people. I just like singing by myself.

I also like drawing videos from art for kids hub. It is really fun and it is good for my brain. I like drawing cupcakes and other foods, for example I also like drawing people. Like today I drew my mom a drawing of her in a cape and it says’ Super Mom!’

I am really good on devices like computers and iPads. It is really easy for me to get around on Google.

I really like helping teachers and friends and family. Because I know that they need help so I do it right away.

People in my family call me funny. Mostly because I make jokes and dress funny.

I also like watching Tv because it’s calm and I don’t really have to do anything but sit.

That was my blog post.

By Lyla.