Category Archives: Grade 3

The All Pioneer Girl

Once upon a time lived one girl, she lived in 1832 and she was everything. When I say she was everything it means she had all the jobs. She was able to do a job each second, and still manage to do great. She was also very kind and generous.  Her name is Amy. She could even make new buildings with her brain. I know it seems sort of strange but true. People believe that she has magical powers, but it is just her kindness that keeps building up. She seems kind right? But actually at her house she only seems OKAY. Maybe it is because her family is mean or something. But nobody knows because her house is far far away from Pioneer Village. She comes to town everyday to help us out. She is the kindest person I  know, at least that’s what I thought.  About that girl she was very famous there and everyone wanted to be just like her, but it never happened. In Pioneer Village, a new baby girl was born. Her name was Andrea, When she turned 8 she decided that she had to stop this long wait. So she went on a quest to find Amy’s house. She grabbed her backpack and went off through the Jungles, Mountains,and Sandstorms. She finally found a wooden house with a brick door and a small roof. On the door it said WELCOME on the door with all capitals. It also said ‘ ‘Please Show Me Yourself”. So Andrea put her face on the scanner and said, Welcome , come on in. So Andrea carefully opened the door and saw a whole wonderland. There was candy, books, animals, and water slides. Wow, said Andrea, that looks like the best house I have ever seen, but wait how could it be so big for such a small looking house on the outside? That looks like a problem for later, said Andrea. She looked upstairs if anyone was there but nobody was there, she looked downstairs if anyone was there, and one girl with a rag dress and a polka dot headband stayed there on the couch reading a book. I said hi and she said’’ Oh a guest, how nice. She said it in a very pleasant voice. What is your name? Andrea, I replied like I swallowed a bug. In my brain my head said, I finally found her! But all I could say right now was ‘’hi’’. Then I took a deep breath and calmed down. Amy said what can I help you with? Nothing I said quietly, I just came here for a look around. Okay have fun Amy said. That is it I found her. My mission is done! Hope you had fun reading!                     Bye Maria Frost.

 Hello my name is Lyla. I will be writing about stuff. I am at school right now. I am learning English! My friends are Eloise Emma, Maia Nitsan and Jack. I like playing with them at Recess. We go to the Playground. I also like Gym because we get to move around and play fun games! My lucky number is 8 right now. This is why: Each year I grow a year older. I am 8 right but when I turn 9, my lucky number will be 9. I like writing because on the Ipads the noise of the typing sounds cool. My favourite holidays are the ones where we do not have any school. I like school but sometimes I just want to sit around at my house doing nothing. I like my house because it is so quiet and I can do anything I want. My hobbies are writing and dancing. I think both of them are really fun. My sister is one and a half.  My favourite Movie is Descendants 3. My favourite character is Mal. She is the daughter of Maleficent.

  • That was my blog post. 
  • Hope you liked it!
  • By Lyla.


Ice Cream

Ice cream is yummy in different ways. The first way is that there are so many flavors! The second way is that we can make cake and milkshakes out of ice cream. If we could, we would get ice cream every part of the day { breakfast, lunch, dinner!} Ice cream is the yummiest food in the universe. I wish everything we could eat was ice cream. Ice cream is the best!!!!! You never need to eat anything else but ice cream. { well maybe a veggie once or twice} That’s it posted by Lyla 


Hello today I will be writing about Bunnies. Here are some facts about Bunnies:

1. Bunnies can live 75 and over.

2. Rabbits can understand words (P.S they can only understand words like ” Food or ”Play)

3. Rabbits can have many different moods they can be annoyed with you if you say a word that it does not understand.

4. Rabbits LOVE to be in charge.

5.  There are 180+ Rabbit breeds in the world.

6.  A female Rabbit is called a doe. A male Rabbit is called a buck and a baby Rabbit is called a kit.

That is it. Hoped you like it. This is the link that I got some of the facts from:




About Me

Hello welcome to my new blog! Hope you will enjoy my posts. I just want to say. My name is Lyla. I really like writing. I have a little sister. I’m 8 years old. I love Bunnies. I go to the Ottawa Jewish Community School. I’m in grade three. My teachers are Miss Bennet, Morah Signal, and Mr. P. I really like grade three. That is my life.
By Lyla